Arabic Gems: What is the significance of learning Arabic?

Arabic Gems: What is the significance of learning Arabic?


 Learning a new language and mastering it can open many doors to you and give you many opportunities for working and learning. If you’re considering learning a new language, you might want to keep Arabic in mind. 

Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran and learning Arabic is very important and crucial to Muslims. The Holy Quran is written “In a clear Arabic language” meaning that the language of Arabic is very accurate and has zero mistakes. However, besides being the language of the Holy Quran, Arabic is a very important and widely spoken language that’s spoken by around 467 million people around the globe. 

It’s one of the UN six official languages:

Arabic is one of the UN six languages along with English, French, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. It’s been added to the un languages on 18 December 1973. It means that people who have a full command of Arabic and any other UN official language can work or even volunteer to translate UN documents and can participate in UN multilingual activities. Having a volunteering certificate from the UN is very valuable and will add a lot to your CV and of course, to your experience. 

Arabic is a very rich language

Surely, when you study a language, you study the modern standard form of it. Studying Arabic isn’t different but besides the MSA, there are many dialects and calligraphic forms that are so fascinating. This gives you a variety of chances to learn a new dialect and communicate with a lot of people from different cultures. In addition, Arabic is so rich with synonyms and meanings. If you’re into literature and word play, Arabic will interest you with all its puns, words, and beautiful rhymes. 

Arabic literature is so beautiful and inspiring

Speaking of literature, Arabic literature is known to be very magnificent and beautiful. The Arabic classical poetry is considered to be so influential on how people write nowadays and it’s so famous even for non-Arabic speaker. Also, Arabic literature was the inspiration for many great movies and series, for instance: Aladdin and Sindbad. Aladdin and Sindbad are characters from the famous masterpiece “Arabian Nights” or “Thousand and One Nights” that’s been translated into several languages including English. 

If you’re into modern literature, Arabic writers are so talented and unique. You can improve your Arabic skills via reading because most of the works mentioned below are translated into several languages:

  • Cairo’s Trilogy - Nagib Mahfouz
  • Cities of Salt - Abdul Rahman Munif
  • Season of Migration to the North- Tayeb Salih

And the list goes on and on. Some writers even translate their own works into English to facilitate the mission of reading for non-Arabic speakers. Don’t forget that the best piece of literature you can read to learn Arabic is the Holy Quran. There are various translations of the Holy Quran and you can find it anywhere. 

Personal and professional benefits

Generally, learning a new language makes your brain alert, active, and eager to learn. Research has shown that studying a foreign language improves creativity, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. Multilingual people have also been shown to be more rational and aware of what’s happening around them. Studies have proven that knowing over one language increases the quantity of neural pathways in one’s brain, which allows the brain to process information through a wider form of channels.

It’ll also make you open to more cultures and you’ll be more flexible since you’ll get to know the traditions and rules of a totally different nation. Learning a new language is surely an eye-opening process and it’s beneficial on many levels. 

On one hand, even if you aren’t going to need Arabic in your job, adding an extra language to your CV will make it stand out! Everyone knows that Arabic is one of the hardest languages to master and if you add it to your CV, the HR will definitely be charmed with how smart you are. 

On the other hand, if you want to work with this language and you focus on learning Arabic and manage to master it, it’ll be easy for you to find a high-paying job. Arabic speakers are very hard to find in the west, this is why the salaries for languages that require Arabic are very high. 

You’ll find words from your own language

Whatever your language is, you’ll find in Arabic words that have been moved to your language. The reason behind this is that in the pats, Arabic influence many languages through trade and invasions. Some of the words that are taken from the Arabic languages are: cotton, sugar, qamees, alcohol, and  Sahara. This will give you more appreciation for languages and cultures because you’ll realise how civilisations were so connected in the past despite the lack of technology and fast transportation. 

New food recipes!

Okay, now we’re talking! Who doesn’t like Shawarma and Kebab? How much money would you usually spend on these easy dishes? When you start learning Arabic, usually you’ll look at food menus to try to read the names of food in Arabic and later on, you’ll be able to read food recipes. If you’re a good cook, you can’t miss the chance of making an authentic cuisine in your own kitchen. 

Professional tutors

Not everyone can teach Arabic even if they’re native speakers. Due to the complexity of Arabic grammar, many native speakers aren’t capable of understanding it; hence, they can’t teach it to someone else. However, our professional tutors have got you covered. In Arabic School, we have handpicked our teachers to make sure you’ll be learning from highly qualified teachers who hold degrees from Al-Azhar university in Egypt. Out tutors are specialised in making this learning process a very enjoyable and beautiful one that you surely will love every second of it. 

In short, Arabic isn’t an easy language to learn but learning it will turn your life around. You’ll get many jobs and opportunities because of this language. There are chances in life that you wouldn’t want to miss and learning Arabic is one of them.