
Best Practice and exercise to learn children Arabic

the Arabic language is a widespread language, there are nearly 480 millions persons speak Arabic inside and outside Arabic countries , the Arabic language has Civilizations and cultures also the Arabic ….

The Arabic Language for Non-Natives
“Once you dive deeply in the expanse of the “Dhad” language, you will earn glory of its ocean with no shores. The almighty honored such language and blessed its rhythms by the revelation of the Arabic holly Quran. “ The Arabic language is signified by its originality, history, richness, and importance amongst the languages of the world as a whole. Amongst the numerous languages in the world, Allah- swt- chose Arabic to be the language of the holly revelation as he -swt- said: “Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an in order that you may understand”-12 Yusuf-. The Arabic language, the miraculous language or the language of 1400 years- as it’s being referred to-, the richest language...
Yabancılara Arapça Öğretimi
‘’Dad'ın (ض) genişliğinde dur ki mertebe kazanasın ve onun kapsamı uçsuz bucaksız bir denizdir, Allah onu övmüş kelamını yüceltmiştir ve Kur'an'ın indirilmesi için onu irade etmiştir.’’ Arap dili, asaleti, zenginliği ve önemi ile dünyanın tüm dilleri arasında benzersizdir. Allah Kuran'ın indirilmesi için dünya dilleri arasından Arapçayı seçmiştir.İsimleri takdis edilen Aziz ve Celil Allah buyurdu ki :”Anlayasınız diye biz onu Arapça bir kur’an olarak indirdik”. Arap dili, mucize dili veya 1400 yılın dili - denildiği gibi - dünyanın en zengin dilidir. Zira Arap dili bir denizdir, ondan ne kadar alırsanız alın doymaz ve sonuna ulaşamazsınız. Biz Araplar dilimizle gurur duyuyoruz.Herkesin Arapça konuşma, kelime ve deyimlerini öğrenme zevkini yaşaması içinve her Arapça konuşanın hissettiği gururu hissetmek için tüm dünyaya yayılmasını diliyoruz. Alman...
Aprende árabe para hablantes no nativos
“Estar en rehabilitación de Al-dhad está ganando impulso, su campo es un mar sin orillas, Allah la honró y bendijo su pronunciación, por lo que la quería Para descargar el Corán”, la lengua árabe es única en su originalidad, antigüedad, riqueza e importancia entre todas las lenguas del mundo y entre ellas, Dios eligió la lengua árabe para descender el Corán. Su Majestad dijo, y su nombres fueron santificados, [hemos enviado un Corán árabe para que entendéis], el idioma árabe, el idioma milagroso o el idioma de los 1400 años, como se llama El árabe es el idioma más rico del mundo, es como un mar, no será suficiente y no alcanzará para el final delmismo. Los árabes estamos orgullosos...
تعلم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين مع اربيك سكول
تعلم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين "قفْ في رحاب ِالضادِ تكسبْ رفعةً فمجالُها بحرٌ بلا شُطآن ِ اللهُ أكرمَها وباركَ نطقَها فأرادَها لتَنَزُّل ِالقرآن ِ"، تتفرد اللغة العربية بأصالتها وعراقتها وثراها واهميتها بين جميع لغات العالم ومن بين جميع لغات العالم اختار الله اللغة العربية لينزل بها القرءان فقال جل جلاله وتقدست اسمائه [إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ]، إن اللغة العربية او اللغة المعجزة او لغة ال 1400 عام -كما يطلق عليها -أثرى لغة في العالم فاللغة العربية بحر مهما نهلت منه لن تكتفي ولن تصل لنهايته. نفخر نحن العرب بلغتنا ونعتز بها ونتمنى لو نراها تنتشر في العالم بأسره ليحظى كل شخص بلذة تحدث اللغة العربية والتعرف على مفرداتها وتعبيراتها والشعور بالشموخ والفخر الذي يشعر به كل ناطق للعربية...
Five Great Benefits of Reciting the Quran
The Book of Allah is not a book like any other- it is the Speech of Allah, our creator. It deserves careful study and intense pondering over its meanings. Reciting and pondering over the Book of Allah has tremendous benefits and it would be an unfortunate person who does not avail these benefits in his lifetime. 1 – The Qur’an will intercede for you on the Day of Judgment The Prophet (sa) said: “Read the Qur’an, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.” [Muslim] On the Day of Reckoning, nothing will be as valuable as intercession allowed by Allah in our favor. Attach yourself to the Quran in this life so...
Arabic School: Origins and Goals
Arabic School is a remarkably life-changing platform for teaching Arabic and Quran. The staff of Arabic School is handpicked and chosen from the best tutors and educational specialists so that we can offer you a perfect service. Our tutors hold valuable degrees from Al-Azhar university in Egypt; meaning that they are the best in this field. • What is the name of Arabic school? The name of Arabic School is translated into “ ال مدرسة ال عر بیة ", pronounced as “El-Madrasah El-Arabia” because this is what it’s all about, Arabic. We’ve dedicated all of our efforts and knowledge to create a special place for all the people who want to learn Arabic and Quran. Arabic School isn’t like any...