Arabic School: Why you should join us?

Arabic School: Why you should join us?


When it comes to online Arabic classes, the options are various and limitless. Ever since the spread of the pandemic, several institutions have initiated their online learning platforms to keep up with the rapid technological change. That resulted in countless learning platforms with several programs and courses. Of course this numbers of competitors will make you confused and you won’t be able to make up your mind. This is the reason why this article is written, for you to know why you should be a part of our big family. 

learning with professionals

The first thing you think about when it comes to getting any service is the quality of this service. If you’re going to take an online course, the quality of the teachers should be your main concern. Since Arabic isn’t an easy language to learn, you should make sure that the teacher tutoring you is highly qualified and skilful. In Arabic school, we have made this mission much easier because our staff consists of the best Arabic tutors who are unbelievably skilled. Our Arabic teachers hold precious degrees from the university of Al-Azhar in Egypt. Besides their outstanding education, they also have a long experience in the field of teaching Quran and Arabic for non-native speakers. In addition, they’re experienced with dealing with kids and keeping them engaged during classes. We guarantee you a top quality learning journey with our exceptional Arabic and Quran tutors. 

Follow-up with educational specialists

Surely, your class doesn’t end when it’s over. Our educational specialists are ready to answer your questions whenever you send them. Our specialists are the linking channel between you and your tutors outside the online class time. If you need anything of if you have any inquiries, you can text our specialists and they’ll get back to you with the answer as soon as possible. They’ll offer you exceptional and swift service to make sure that all your questions are answered and all your complaints are solved. You can also contact them in case you wanted to reschedule a class or freeze your subscription. Our specialists’ communication skills are exceptional and whenever you need them, they’ll be there for you. Moreover, they’re keen to know your honest feedback about the classes, and if you need to adjust anything, they’ll do their best to help you. 

Flexibility and Classes around the clock

Sometimes, time-zones put many obstacles in your learning path. Maybe you live in Australia or USA, causing your time to be so different from Arab countries. Or maybe your days-off are rotational and you can’t decide a specific time that you’re free at. Maybe your schedule is so tight and you only have time for classes at night. Don’t worry about all of that! In Arabic School, our classes are operating around the clock, everyday. Wherever you are and whatever your time-zone is, you’ll be able to set a schedule that’s suitable for you. Also, we’re very flexible with rescheduling and freezing the subscription for awhile. No matter how busy your schedule is, we will help you to find time for your class. 

Various programs for kids and adults

Because we want you to have everything at one place, we have several programs for you and for your kids. Our programs are suitable for all budgets and levels. After determining your level and preferences, our tutors will design a studying approach based on their experience to choose the best for you. So, whatever your level is, we’ll manage to reach you. We offer you Quran classes for kids and others for adults, and Arabic classes for kids and others for adults. Each course of these has 4 different programs with numerous options to suit everyone. You can also sign up more than one person in the program and the number of classes will be divided between them. 

Interactive online classes

Since online classes are becoming a trend now, there are many factors that make a platform stand out. For example, live online classes are proved to be way better than recorded online classes. Live classes are interactive and engaging unlike recorded classes that might cause the student to get bored and lose interest quickly especially if the student is a kid. 

During classes, kids tend to ask questions that need to be answered, which doesn’t happen in recorded classes. Also, it’s very important for the tutors to establish a good bond with the student so that they can get along.  Our lively online classes include this and more. During the kids Arabic or Quran sessions, the tutor makes sure that the student is keeping up and understanding every single word that’s said. Also, the student can ask as many questions as they want. This existence of a conversation makes it so easy for the student and the tutor to work in harmony together to get the best results out of the course. 

Developing your skills

Since our classes are interactive and the tutors will be discussing many things and giving much information, they’ll make you more curious and more eager to learn. This fruitful interaction will develop many skills of yours like: communication skills, critical thinking, and of course your language skills. In addition, witnessing your learning progress will give your confidence a boost and will make you feel better about your skills. 

Learning with us is an eye-opening experience that you wouldn’t want to miss. Here, we’re not just offering you Arabic and Quran courses, but we are offering you a sincere invitation to be a part of our family and to grow with us. Your progress and comfort are our top priority that we’re working day and night for. 

In Arabic School, we don’t just promise you great courses and exceptional service, but we promise you a true chance of learning with the best Arabic and Quran tutors that have given thousands of classes to thousands of happy students. This is definitely a chance you wouldn’t want to miss.